Monday, October 26, 2009

Paul Haggis breaks away from the Space Church (Scientology)

Paul Haggis breaks away from the Space Church (Scientology)

It took you long enough, Paul. However, it is good to have you among the sane.

Unlike some that leave the Church of Xenu, he didn’t go quietly. Not by a long shot. He wrote a freaking letter ripping into the damn organization. And, he wrote the letter to Spin Master Tommy Davis.

For those that don't know, Haggis is a famous screenwriter/director that has won many awards and has made many huge hits over the years. Besides having a kickass last name, he wrote Quantum of Solace, Crash, Million Dollar Baby, and Casino Royale.

Here are a few quotes from Hollywood Reporter and Haggis’ letter.

Paul was pissed with the Church’s stance on Prop 8. ((I called and wrote and implored you, as the official spokesman of the church, to condemn their actions. I told you I could not, in good conscience, be a member of an organization where gay-bashing was

He had enough of this. ((The church’s refusal to denounce the actions of these bigots,
hypocrites and homophobes is cowardly. I can think of no other word.
Silence is consent, Tommy. I refuse to consent.))

Another reason for his departure has to do with his wife and her relationship with her parents. ((You might recall that my wife was ordered to disconnect from her parents because of something absolutely trivial they supposedly did twenty-five years ago when they resigned from the church. This is a lovely retired couple, never said a negative word about Scientology to me or anyone else I know – hardly raving maniacs or enemies of the church. In fact it was they who introduced my wife to Scientology.))

I just wished it didn’t take 35 years for him to realize this.

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