Friday, October 16, 2009

Brett Ratner talks about the wrath of comic book fans

Everyone's favorite douche bag Brett Ratner talks about the wrath of comic book fans.

Filmjunk started up a discussion on Ratner and his loath of comic book fans. I found some of the comment discussion interesting. I'd thought I'd give some insight into my thoughts about this man.

Warning: I liked X3, but it was far from being as good as X2.

From Star Pulse,

Ratner stated, ((You can't make these people happy. I'm kind of the Anti-Christ to these comic book geeks. Every single person that wrote shit went to see that movie multiple times because a movie doesn't gross $200 something million unless people go to see it more than once. Every single person who said, "I'm never seeing that movie," they were the first ones there.))

You’re not the Anti-Christ, Ratner. People view you as a hired gun to bow down to the will of the studio, while making a bland film. And, I think that’s where the problem starts. Bryan Singer changed a lot of X-Men things, but he respected the material. He changed many of the background stuff for practical storytelling reason.

Storytelling and dialogue came first in the first two X-Men movies. You actually feel the mutant world could fit into the real world. Ratner, you kind of abandon that with you mess of a film X3. When you put your movie side-by-side with Singer’s X2, your X3 doesn’t stand up. Granted, X3 wasn’t a bad film. The movie simple didn't have heart or a cohesive story. It felt like a mash-up of everything Ratner saw in the 90s cartoon show.

Again, Ratner goes on the offensive, but he does make some good points, especially with this statement. ((That's their whole life, they have nothing more to do than to worry. What are they concerned about? It's out of the filmmaker's hands.))

Yes, some of these fanboys are a bit too extreme. Remember that Rob Liefeld incident? But, what Ratner does is morphed the argument into all comic book geeks are like that. This is the same argument that Lucas pulls all the time, despite the fact it is the hardcore fans that continue to buy all the useless merchandise shit.

((The most ridiculous statement I've read is -- and of course I looked at the Internet after the movie came out -- that I buried the franchise. If I buried the franchise how the f*ck did they make a "Wolverine"? I mean, that's ridiculous. And they're making three other f*cking "X-Men" movies. Mine kept the franchise alive!))

You didn’t bury the franchise; you just cheapened it. You made it easier for Fox to hire directors that they can push around instead of making the right decision for the story and the film. Remember, Ratner, story first.

Your movie kept the franchise alive? Your movie felt a boost from the good vibes of X2. Your movie would have been just a wet dream in your little brain if it weren’t for X2. This is probably your most arrogant statement ever.

Wolverine went through so much hell with the battles between Gavin Hood and the studio. Without a proper vision, Wolverine felt more akin to X3 than X1-2. However, Wolverine was a better film than X3.

The Ratman!


  1. Kevin Smith has publicly come out and said he was surprised that he liked X3 more than the Superman reboot... shocked really.

  2. I remember him kind of knocking on Superman Returns. It is funny because he was involved in a direct full on reboot of Superman Lives.

    Superman Returns was more a soft reboot. It is in continuity with Superman I and II (But can't stay in continuity with Richard Donner's version of Superman II). Returns ignores parts III and IV.

    Given Smith is a comic book writer, and sometimes a very good one, I find it shocking that he would enjoy X3 more than SR.

    X3 is a complete mess writing wise. SR has a lot of problems, but still is written better. X3 needed another 30 mins to flesh out the story.

  3. He said that Superman Returns is just so boring.

  4. Okay, I can see that. It is a bit slow,

    but the X3 thing is a bit much.

  5. Great video post, MC. I have to disagree with him on the Star Trek TMP comment too. It is a misunderstood movie at best.
