Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bill Murray doesn't like McG (Lance a lot?)

Bill Murray doesn't like McG (Source The Movie Blog)

There's been many stories of Murray behaving not in a becoming manner, and some of them are infamous. The biggest one I can think of was his time during filming the first Charlie's Angels film. He got into a fight of some kind with Lucy Liu. Then, there was the report of director McG claiming the Ghostbuster headbutted him.

Maybe McG is confused. Headbutting is the Klingon way of greeting people. Perhaps, Bill was just doing that with McG.

Bill had this to say about the head incident.

From Digital Spy. (("That's bulls**t! That's complete crap!" said Murray in an interview with The Times. "I don't know why he made that story up. He has a very active imagination."

The actor continued: "No! He deserves to die. He should be pierced with a lance, not headbutted."))

Some people would say McG doesn't have an active imagination if you look at some of his movies. Murray has a point. There aren't enough lance killings in the past 100 years. I think it is a good time to bring back lances as a weapon (And, I'm not talking about Lance Bass.)

In all seriousness, I like Bill a lot as a performer, but there have been some people that have stated how mean he can be. Did the headbutt incident happen? Why would McG lie?

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