Monday, October 19, 2009

Balloon Boy (Team Balloon) It was all fake

Balloon Boy (Team Balloon) It was all fake

We pretty much knew it, but we just needed confirmation. We also knew that Balloon Father was attempting to get a damn reality show out of this.

From People,

(("It has been determined this was a hoax. It was a publicity stunt," Larimer County, Colo., Sheriff Jim Alderden told reporters Sunday. He said no arrests will be made until the investigation is complete. ))

As I stated before, they did this whole thing as a way to get themselves on TV.

((Alderden said the hoax was hatched more than two weeks ago by either one or both of 6-year-old Falcon Heene's parents as a means of landing their own reality TV show. ))

Wow, even mega d-bag Jon Gosselin is probably thinking this guy is a bigger d-bag. Yes, he used his children to propel himself into the limelight. That's just low extremely low. And using a balloon as a promotional stunt, that's just lame.

Are we so starved for attention that we'd pull anything to get it? What's even more silly is that should have covered their track a bit better. Like actually making the Balloon able to fit a boy Falcon's weight.

So, where do we go from here? Do they go to jail for their bullshit? No, but they should be fined heavily for their actions, plus they should be forced to do hours of community service. They should also be forced to get into counseling too. The court should also rule that they be barred from making a reality show deal.

Further reading


CBS discusses the family losing their children maybe.

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