Sunday, October 18, 2009

Balloon Boy Saga (Richard Heene)

Balloon Boy Saga (Richard Heene)

From Reuters, ((Criminal charges will soon be filed in the case of a 6-year-old boy who spurred a frantic search for fear he was inside a wayward helium balloon, but who was later found safe at home, officials said on Saturday. ))

Yeah, the title sounds like an Dragon Ball Z saga. I'd planned on holding off on writing anything about this story until the media had laid all the cards on the table. It looks like that is about to happen.

It looks like the Heene hoax is finally falling apart.

From Reuters,

(("We do anticipate ... there will be some criminal charges filed in respect to this incident," said Sheriff Jim Alderden, speaking to reporters in a news conference televised on CNN. ))

I knew nothing about the Balloon Boy incident until Friday after noon. However, the story is so stupid and interesting at the same time that I can’t enough of this saga. It is unfolding within minutes and hours in real time. Due the Internet, there is something new coming out about this fame-seeking family.

From the beginning people were questioning the entire thing. Given the history of this family, it seemed a bit too artificial, staged. Now, there are criminal charges coming up to further support that it was all staged.

And, it all centered around another dumb reality show.

Yes, Richard and his “amazing” family were on the show Wife Swap. I think it was at this point he discovered fame. You can clearly tell Richard is playing up the zaniness for the camera. And, you can see the early stages of the spaceship balloon. My goodness, this show is certainly aimed at the mouth-breathers. How can anyone be entertained by this mess?

Something about this Richard guy just seems grimy.

-It is the way all his answers seem too prepared and acted out interviews.

-The special announcement was just another way to stretch out the story.

-He seems to do all the talking.

-His child Falcon vomited twice in interviews.

-The family has tried to make their own reality shows on the Internet.

-This video has an air of fake-ness. There is another 'leaked' video with one of the brothers mentioning that he thought Falcon ended up in the balloon.

-This 'scientist' first wanted to be an actor/comedian. He made his own comedy CD called Offensive Driving. There is also a book of the same name. From the link, ((A spoof humor book on how to be an Offensive Driver. How to parallel park at 55 MPH, drive by splashings, what to do with road kill and much more. Offensive Driving contains over 190 humor pictures. Please look at this book as a way on "How not to Drive." )) Sounds like an amazing book to me (sarcasm).

What kind of father does this to his family?

Here are a few videos.

Balloon Father wants you to fill his 'box'...with questions: This just seems like a part of his hoax. The father is eating up all the attention he's receiving.

Richard and Family give tips on repairing DVD game discs. (Due to the upcoming legal troubles, this video might be taken down.) Once again, he plays up for the camera. I'll give him this; he is giving good advice here. (And, here is his youtube channel)

The best video is the balloon boy vomit video

Watch his brother's reaction when Balloon Boy pukes on him. Also, look at Balloon Father's reaction to the puke. The newswoman continues to ask him questions after the puking!


  1. I am hoping it was not a hoax, because that would be a twisted thing for the parents to do.

  2. It looks like it really was a hoax indeed and it was a really low thing to do.
