Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"Amp Up before you score" is offensive?

Pepsi has to apologize for an app that was merely a joke?

Really? It was a joke and actually it was a joke against men and not women. And, it is more of a promotion disguised as an app.

The whole thing was AMP Up Before you Score iPhone app.

((The app alleges to help guys "get lucky" when they're out on the town by helping prepare them to meet 24 different types of women. ))

Listen, any technology that helps a guy run through the minefield that is called the dating scene is all right in my book. Besides, only 24 types of women isn't exactly that wide a range. I think it should be 100 types. I think the program is a good idea, if a little limiting. Now, if we can find an app that reads a woman's mind, we'd be all set.

Now, the bigger issues is; who is the group that's complaining about the app? And, would this group complain if there were an app for women to pick up men and get them interested? If the roles were reversed, you have to wonder if there would be calls of sexism. Have we gotten our panties (and boxers) in a bunch that we can't see the joke?

Anyway, it was freaking joke and not even that offensive toward women, but makes us out to be complete Asses. We’d do anything to ‘score’, even use a damn app.

So far, Pepsi hasn't removed the app, but the company has apologized for the program. If I were Pepsi, I wouldn't have even apologized. I'd just ignore them. If you have a problem with Pepsi, just stop buying their products and stop sending tweets about the app.

Here's the actual apology.

((Our app tried 2 show the humorous lengths guys go 2 pick up women. We apologize if it’s in bad taste & appreciate your feedback ))

I really have to wonder if the 'bad taste' was part of the joke.

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