Monday, October 05, 2009

Alt-versions of Kanye West’s Flashing Lights

Alt-versions of Kanye West’s Flashing Lights (Wiki Page)

While Wiki-surfing, I stumbled across these two versions of “Flashing Lights”. Think of these as alt-versions of the Spike Jonze version. (though I'm not sure he directed these two alts.)

The Haunted House version

This is a completely different version from the one everyone knows about with woman in the middle of nowhere. This version really has nothing to do with Flashing Lights, but it seems it is a ghost story to me. I don't think people would be talking about the video that much. The song is longer than the one used in the broadcast version.

Night Life version

The rather fetching woman in the video is UK model Charlotte Carter-Allen. I've only discovered her through this video. This one holds true to the Flashing Lights theme more so than the other two versions. I do really like this version. Like the broadcast one, it has a very dark end to it. Charlotte character has a rather harsh encounter at the end.

Kanye Claims these two videos were leaked onto the Internet. I'm not 100% sure about that. Something tells me they were leaked on purpose. I do enjoyed watching the three completely different visions of the same song.

Here's the post discussing it. From that MTV post,

(("I shot 3 vids for 'Flashing Lights' cuz I ain't like the first 2," he wrote. "I loved the 3rd one that I released with Spike [Jonze] and hit the world with that. I actually had Sam Speigal, Spike's brother and co-orchestrater of THE TOUR MUSIC, do a remix 2 the scary one 2 make the music fit. I planned 2 put it on a DVD later this year. No rants here just an explanation of why y'all getting those other vids rt now that I ain't approve and why I ain't finna post neither on my blog. So I hope whoever leaked them got the shine they was looking 4 cause that's all they'll get now. And I know that's incorrect english but that's how I talk when I want 2. Oh and I've just been 2 busy 2 get at the New York Times for all that his Ego BLAH BLAH BLAH bullsh-- so stay tuned. For fun, I want yall 2 read this whole post in the Grandma's Boy JP robot voice LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!" ))

Anyway, the Spike Jonze one is still best one because it is simple and very mean-spirited in a funny way.

Bonus Video, here is a cover version with Colin Munroe's cover version

I really like this version too.

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