Thursday, September 24, 2009

Two Drunk Girls (Lions Fans?) get themselves arrested.

Two Drunk Girls (Lions Fans?) get themselves arrested.

This is priceless

When the entire crowd turns on you, you know you have had too many drinks.

From the description in the YouTube link ,

((this video's originator will remain anonymous.

"The two girls in front of us were drunk before the game started. They grabbed one of our signs and trashed it (real classy) because were Vikings fans, and then spent most of the first half mocking us instead of watching the game because the Lions were ahead.

They left their seats and we thought they were gone for good but somehow they managed to buy even more beer and get back to their seats. They were spilling beer on themselves, the seats, and some of the other fans. After they spilled quite a bit of beer on the guys in the row below them, they turned around and told them to SIT DOWN. One girl didnt like that so she poured the rest of her beer on his head. Then I knew it was time to start the camera :)" ))

I generally hate going to sporting events because they bore me. I hate some of the more drunken fans. This video is prime example of that. In the age of Kanye West and Joe Wilson, this is to be expected I guess.

There are a few things to point out.

-The Beer Guy in the yellow/green shirt tries and fails to defuse the tension.

-The black guy in the 81 shirt starts to get mad at the old man that keeps touching him. He also laughs at the two drunk girls.

-Who is the dumbass yelling “This is football!”?

-Watch the bald guy in the brown shirt.

-She attempt to attack the black guy in front of the cops! Of course she is drunk and falls over.

-Who is the idiot with the face paint on?

-Did someone sneak a boob grab?

There's going to be that awkward phone call from jail to their boyfriends/fathers.

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