Monday, September 14, 2009

Heroes Reborn: Captain America; A little background

Heroes Reborn: Captain America; A little background

Yes, the storyline is that goofy. I will give Marvel credit for shoving the main characters to a Sub-universe. And, it is amazing that they used many concepts from Heroes Reborn with their current Ultimate universe.

Heroes Reborn was a bold, if foolish, move to boost sales. In many ways, it worked. And, I loved that the universe was created from the Onslaught saga. I didn’t like that Marvel took their major franchise characters and farmed them out to other comic book companies.

Instead of making a completely different set of revamped heroes, they actually took the heroes from main Marvel universe and rearranged their origins in a pocket universe. It took over a year before the heroes moved back to the main universe.

Funny enough, this was the reason the fanboy confronted Liefield and caused all this stuff.

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