Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A couple of bits

Jimmy: No one ever remembers The Tommyknockers

A couple of bits

~I've watched the entire third season of Dexter on DVD in a matter of days. While certainly not as good as the second season, it was still a pretty good season. Jimmy Smits is freaking great in this season. I have to say I was really impressed with his character arc. Debra Morgan finds another guy to bang. The only weak stuff was the marriage and children subplots.

~Fox actually deals with the Gay Issues fairly well on the show Glee. This is Fox and they handled the a gay character coming out to his father rather decently. Then they threw in a teen pregnancy. Well done, Fox.


  1. Dexter Season 3 was interesting. Yet again Dexter finds someone who accepts his true nature, only to find that their blood lust conflicts with his values. I preferred seasons 1 and 2 over this one though. Hope the next one is better.

  2. Yeah, there were some weaknesses in Season 3, but Jimmy Smits saves that season. Season 2 is by far the best of the bunch.
