Sunday, August 30, 2009

Worst Table Dance Ever: Drunk Girl vs. Glass Table

Worst Table Dance Ever: Drunk Girl vs. Glass Table

The Table wins, flawless victory.

Yeah, she’s drunk.

Right after she falls through the glass table, she says, “It went into my…” And, it cuts out. Now, where exactly did the glass go? Somewhere dark?

I’m sure someone will somehow make crashing through a table a dance now.

What happened to her after this? Has she talked about this video?

Note: Watch the guy’s expression on the left.


  1. Dumbest thing I've ever seen. I thought you only percolated coffee...

  2. I will counter with a name: Scarlet takes a tumble... I feel bad for that gal.

  3. PJ: Yeah, I've never understood the percolater. I think the dance came into existence around 90s.

    MC: Agreed, plus she'll have to explain how the glass got in there when she went into the ER.

    "Well, I was percolating on the table when I fell through."

    "You were what?"
