Sunday, August 09, 2009

Hater Comments

MC and I had a talk about fanboyism and strange comments left on our blogs (Such as the Star Wars nerd that left negative comments).

Then this video came up about negative comments.

This guy (TWK) makes fun of the negative comments. I really like how he belittles them by belittling his own videos. When you can make fun of yourself that takes the wind out of their comments.

I remember that some Dane Cook fan called me an idiot. Come to find out, he was going around to all the blogs that mentioned something negative about Mr. Cook. That’s not just devotion, that’s crazy.

I still get a kick out of my Love Guru comment that came from LA.

((Semag - semaj whatever that is for a name(foreigner). If u didn't like it go home.))


  1. Youtube haters are a breed onto themselves. They purposely go to videos they know they won't like again and again and again.

    Normal people don't do that.

  2. yes, they are. They are certainly more devoted to their dislike and telling of disliked video than anyone other group.

  3. If you look for music videos, it seems like there are people who go out of their way to watch a particular musician's work just to rip on it.

  4. That is true too. I can see reviewing, but to continue to bash is a bit much.

  5. You should both shut up!

    Your stupid heads.

    (lol I couldn't resist)

  6. lol, some of those comments do degrade to that point. Esp those Flame Wars.
