Friday, August 14, 2009

Dalia Dippolito and her crocodile tears

Dalia Dippolito and her crocodile tears

From Wiki,

((The term Crocodile tears refers to a false or insincere display of emotion. The expression comes from an ancient anecdote that crocodiles weep in order to lure their prey, or that they cry for the victims they are eating. They are fake tears. ))

Okay, she's hot, but certainly deadly.

Here's the story behind the whole thing. (Reuters Report)

((A South Florida woman was arrested Wednesday for allegedly hiring an undercover police officer to kill her husband of six months, authorities said.

Dalia Dippolito, 26, was charged with solicitation to commit first-degree murder and taken to the Palm Beach County jail, Boynton Beach Police Department spokeswoman Stephanie Slater said. Bond had not yet been set and it was unclear if she had an attorney.))

This happens all the time. There is always a chance you're going to hire a freaking undercover cop. I want to know why she felt murdering a guy is better than just divorcing him. But, six months, really?

Here's the best part. The police staged a crime scene her home and told her that someone murdered her hubby. That's in the video above. I have to say I'm impressed with the way the police handled the whole thing. This way they have her on record hiring a fake hitman and then acting like the grieving wife much later.

The hubby seems a little relaxed about the whole thing. Oh, and it should be noted that Michael Dippolito is finally getting a divorce from his crazy but hot wife. Yeah, hiring a hitman to murder him is probably a deal breaker.

Don't always trust the good-looking girls...

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