Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Rampage Jackson loves female reporters

Remember when I told you about Rampage Jackson dry humping a reporter?


Well, this wasn’t his first time doing ‘it’. It seems he enjoys dry humping attractive female reporters. He ended up dry humping a young Japanese Reporter as well and he did it on the floor! Is this his form of a handshake?

What the hell is this guy's problem?

Anyway, the woman that received the second hump has come out to discuss it.

From the examiner.com.

((Some people have question if Rampage humping Heather Nichols was just a publicity stunt. Nicholas has answered this question using Twitter. She said "1. No, that was not planned. 2. No, I did NOT enjoy it. 3. The reason I kept going was to finish the interview & be professional."))

What a professional. I would have run away like a little punk.

((Heather Nicholas was interviewed by Sports Illustrated about the Rampage incident. She said "I tried to play along a little bit because I knew he was trying to be funny, but after about the first 5-10 seconds, it was just plain awkward. I kept thinking, "What should I do? Knee him? Keep going?" So I decided to keep asking questions, assuming he would stop if I did that."))

Well, now you’re famous Nicholas. I wonder if this is going to start a trend like speed dating.


  1. I like some of the changes in your blog layout. Everyone needs to refreah sometime.

    i LOVE your tag line under the title. That MP3 has always been in my naughty thoughts playlist. heheheh

  2. thanks, it took forever to add all the links and programs back into it.

    Thanks about the tag line. I love the music in that song.
