Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chia Obama: That's Strange

Why does it look more like a Chia Bill Cosby?

Chia Obama?

Send one to a friend? I wouldn’t send one to an enemy. You can have it for 19 bucks, so it isn’t that expensive, but still…

Yep, it's real. You can check out the real site here.

Someone at work told me about this little gem. And, I can’t believe that this stuff is real. First off, the actual Chia Obama (Pet?) doesn’t look anything like him. Second, would you want to have thing sitting on your bookshelf? Then again, we do have comedian beef jerky.

I never really understood the need for a pottery character filled with sprouts.

Anyway, would a ‘Bush’ chia pet be a better choice. It says Bush in his name, but I’d doubt anyone would buy that one.

Supposedly, some Walgreen stores removed the Chia Obama for being racist. I don’t think it is racist, it’s just stupid and needless. Now, if they had an Obama ShamWow, I’m down with that.

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