Saturday, July 25, 2009

Buzz Aldrin vs Bart

Buzz Aldrin still has it…

Chick out more information.

In an ambush confrontation, Bart Sibrel calls Buzz Aldrin a coward, liar, and a thief. Buzz punches Sibrel in the face.

Congratulations, Bart, you have officially pissed me off. You don't confront someone that has risked their lives trying to get into space.

These people, just like the 9/11 conspiracy folks, really do piss me off. But, confronting Buzz Aldrin and calling him names just tops my list. Aldrin risked his life to get to the moon and train for that day to go out in space. The Space Program has given us many scientific breakthroughs. What does Sibrel have to gain by insulting a 70 year old man?

And, trust me, I am big on conspiracies, but this one just isn't believable. Besides all we have to do is watch Superman II when those three aliens landed on the moon.

All jokes aside, leave Buzz alone.

I'm not going to get into the story behind Bart Sibrel, but these videos speak for themselves.

Here is a brilliant site that knocks down all those Moon Landing conspiracy theories.

And, here is another site.

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