Tuesday, June 16, 2009

True Blood Returns

True Blood Returns (And it off to a good start)

A few things…

-Lafayette lives: I am truly shocked they kept Lafayette alive for the second season. In the books, from what I gather, he dies and is the one found in the car. I think people really liked the character and Nelsan Ellis’ acting.

-Speaking of Lafayette, the actor talks about when he was told of the change in the storyline and that his character lives on. Check out the interview here.

-Anna Paquin promises even more nudity from her character! I'm not sure when it happened, but Paquin has an unconventional attractiveness to her, but I really like that about her. She has a similar unconventional look like Ellen Muth. I like Muth too.

-While I loved the season premiere, I didn't like the way they flipped Bill's character around a bit with the big reveal in this episode. It seemed a little rushed.

-While they probably won't do this, I'd like to see the show make fun of Twilight.

-What is the deal with Ensign Ro, uh I mean Admiral Helena Cain, uh I mean Michelle Forbes in the story?

- Speaking of Forbes, this actress has pretty much been in every major sci-fi and action show ever produced. She was in BSG, Trek, 24, Prison Break, Lost, Alias, and others. She naturally fits into the True Blood universe.

-Still one of the funniest scenes from Lafayette and his cooking

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