Sunday, June 21, 2009

Top Six Most Annoying TV Characters

JJ Started dating Anne Coulter and that's a step up for Anne.

Top Six Most Annoying TV Characters

Listen, we all have our list of characters that just annoyed us every time they show up on the screen. Well, I decided to make my top six TV characters that pretty much piss me off every time they show up a show. Like a bad case of ache, they just won’t go away.

6. Sam McKinney from Diff'rent Strokes: So, what happens when your ratings start to droop? You bring in a poor carbon copy of Gary Coleman and you make him white, and a terrible actor. It is sad when Coleman can out-act Danny Cooksey (Sam). I remember just hating this kid every time he talked or did something ‘cute’. The show jumped the shark. He was also the punk in T2.
5. Alpha 5 from "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers": He’s like the wussy version of that Robot from Lost in Space. I wasn’t aware that they had a program that made robots sound like annoying wimps. Alpha 5 was like a member of lower management. His voice was bad and his acting, even under the costume, was crap. I wanted the Green Ranger to beat the crap out him.
4. Steve Urkel from Family Matters: As Jaleel White’s character grew in popularity, the show that was once about a black middle class family started to quickly become the Steve Urkel show. His antics were sci-fi in nature and more far-fetched than the way the creators originally conceived it. His character became so popular that Steve showed up in three other shows! Yeah, he even showed up in Full House for two episodes! The character became so annoying that even Jaleel White got tired of playing him. He was the new JJ of the 90s.
3. The entire cast of Saved By the Bell: This whole cast of characters were just annoying. I could simply attack Samuel "Screech" Powers but they’re all terrible.
2. J. J. Evans from Good Times: Like Steve Urkel this character ended up taking over the show from far more sensible characters. The tension on the set started to get so bad that the Parents left the show because it became the JJ show. Jimmy Walker played the character more and more like a clown as the series went on. This supported the bad image of black men by making him foolish. I truly hate this character.

1. Neelix from Star Trek Voyager: Before Jar-Jar, there was another annoying alien that pissed off fans. Neelix never really grew as a character, a problem with all VOY characters, and he actually became a useless character by the third season. I blame Neelix for Jar-Jar and every other character like him. No character development here at all.

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