Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Some great The Rock Moments

Some great The Rock Moments

MC has been talking about wrestling of late, and got me to thinking about the second time in my life I started to get back into watching the wrestling. It was around the time when The Rock was becoming a good guy and Stone Cold Steve Austin was at the height of his career.

Wrestling sort of fell out of favor with me a few years after that. But, there was something about The Rock. He seemed to always give 100% in his pre-ring interviews.

Here are a few I found funny

The Rock flirts with Lilian Garcia

Comment: I freaking love this clip. He flirts with her until she gives in. The People's Strudel is just brilliant. I need to use this line on a woman some time.

Rock and HHH

Comment: The Rock makes fun of HHH's facial gestures.

The Rock & The Hurricane: I don't have a clue who this Hurricane, but this is funny moment. “Hey, it's Nothing. He knows you.”

Hulk Hogan and The Rock and Kane: I really like this moment.

The Rock's “This is your life.” Part one and two: This was the highest rated moments for RAW.

Kurt Angle and The Rock

These two are great together.


  1. If you were ever going get back into wrestling right now, Smackdown would be the show to check out. Raw is sort of a mess at the moment with some stagnating feud, though it has almost all the top guys. But the calibre of wrestling on Smackdown right now is just mindblowing because they are all smaller guys for the most part, so most of the matches are very acrobatic and full of rapid reversals and such and top wrestlers who are willing to but another wrestler over to keep things interesting. It is a very stacked show in terms of in-ring talent and booking.

    At the moment they have Jericho (who went full on heel... not Y2J funny heel, just total fan antagonizing dick heel, and he is awesome at it), Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, Edge, and some younger guys like John Morrison and CM Punk headlining the show, and on any given week, you could see any combination of those six duking it out... face on face, heel on heel... its all good. The feuds have been awesome too, especially Mysterio/Jericho.

    I think this will be the high point of my wrestling viewing experience, because what they are doing right now will be very hard to top.

    To put it into geek terms, Raw is the Star Wars Prequels, while Smackdown is totally The Empire Strikes Back. No word of it a lie.

  2. It's good to see some of the guys are left over from the Stone Cold era of WWF/WWE. I'll take your word on Jericho being a straight Heel. I've always liked when he was a pompous a-hole that interrupted people's intros to make speeches.

    His best being when he interrupted The Rock's speech.

    So, Raw and Smackdown are run by different writers?

  3. Yeah... it is like night and day. The people booking Smackdown know how to use the talent they have and do some interesting storytelling. (For instance, they are letting the fans turn a face into a heel by contrast, not by having that wrestler do anything overtly heelish or have some grand turn... a storyline with shades of grey and dare I say nuance). Put it this way, there is no Freddie Prinze Jr stuff at all. ;P

    Jericho is still pompous... but he doesn't try to be funny, and what he says in his promos is for the most part true... about how the fans are manipulated to love people despite their past heel behavior, wrestlers who keep retiring but just can't stay away from the business etc, which is the beautiful part. He recently visited Raw as part of a 3-hour, cross-promotional episode, and everything he said about Raw was true.

  4. Is there a Youtube clip with that Jericho scene?

  5. I can't get directly to it because there is a copyright restriction with the segment in my country, but it is the first segment of Raw from June 15th this year.

    This is someone who has it in their uploads

  6. Thanks for the link, I'm going to check it.
