Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Random Stuff

Random Stuff

~The Friend Zone: A place where you are guaranteed to never get laid. This is mainly because you're locked onto one woman that merely views you as a friend, so you don't look around for other women. She may even let you see her in her underwear, but that's all you're getting. Yes, I've been to the friend zone many times, and tried to shift it to the F'ing buddies system, they never worked.

~Watched another episode of True Blood: They're really moving rather fast with the story in the second season. I've learned one thing about vampires. You don't mess with them because they will rip you to shreds. Pretty everyone in that 'prison' is dead, being ripped apart. We also find out why newly formed vampires can't go back to their families.

~Tim Burton shows off pictures of his Alice in Wonderland: I'm sure the movie will look amazing, but I am also certain the story is going to be dumb and underwritten. Most of Burton's stuff is underwritten. I also don't understand why he feels the need to keep putting his girlfriend, Helena Bonham Carter, in all his movies. Can't she get her own gigs?

Why come no one ever seems to get any sunlight in his damn films? Everyone looks like a walking corpse.

~Scientology and abuse: Nothing pleases me more than to hear more people coming out about David Miscavige's abuse of his staff. People have been saying this for years about the church. This time they can't sue the entire world. Are we finally seeing the end of this Space Church? Probably not, but they are truly weakened now. BTW, doesn't beating on someone mean you're a SP?

I’m glad more people are standing up to their bullying ways. The only negative is that they’re going to fight harder and play dirtier.

(You can read more here)

~Why in the hell would any woman want to ruin their face like this? Those tattooed stars will be on her face when her skin starts to sag. Enjoy looking at the Milky Way when ever you wake up in the morning. How is she going to get a damn job with those stars on her face?
Perhaps, she became a super villain called stars and developed a power that caused stars to fly out of her hands, I can see this being okay.

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