Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bret Michaels gets pwned by the freaking stage

Bret Michaels gets pwned by the freaking stage

There's something fitting about a big ass Broadway sign knocking Bret off his feet.

This is the best reality show moment ever, and it wasn’t on his damn show either. At least it might put an end to his touring and that can save many ears from hearing his music. Maybe that blow will help him realize he just a joke now thanks to his reality show.

Rolling Stone is reporting he took a bit of a beating from the mishap,

((The result of the frontman’s injuries has been revealed this morning: a fractured nose and busted lip requiring three stitches. ))

So, what does his Reps do after this incident? They blame the Tony Awards Show and Doogie Howser! Way to keep it classy reps.

His reps say Bret wasn't injured as badly as it was earlier reported. (From Rock and Roll Daily)

((“FYI: Bret Michaels does not have a broken nose, just a scrape from the scenery. Everything is a-okay!” and a spokesman for the show said Bret had “missed his mark.” But today news broke that the singer had actually suffered a fractured nose and required three stitches to close a wound in his lip. And now a rep for Michaels is speaking out, saying the Tonys and host Neil Patrick Harris acted inappropriately during and after the accident. ))

Blaming Doogie, smooth move there, reps.

Now, this is the part I find funny about reps statement. They are concerned that the Tonys didn't feel concerned about the Bret Michaels. (From Rock and Roll Daily)

((Michaels’ reps seem particularly outraged that their client’s condition seemed to be of little concern to the Tonys. “I feel had this incident happened to Liza Minnelli, Dolly Parton or Elton John the Tonys would have at least issued a letter of concern,” the statement reads. “It is unfortunate that the show’s host made light of the situation without having any knowledge of the severity of Bret’s injuries. ))

Well, for one, he's Bret Michaels, not Dolly Parton or Elton John. Anyone that continuously goes on Rock of Love to find 'true love' can take a few hits to the head.

Something tells me his reps don't like that he's become the laughing stock. (Even though he was that before the accident.)

It seems he had visions of Shrek and Donkey after the Broadway sigh hit him. (Uh, I don't think those visions came from the head impact, Bret.)

Notice that his hat never comes off.

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