Monday, June 29, 2009

Billy Mays dead at 50 years old

Billy Mays dead at 50 years old

((Television pitchman Billy Mays likely died of a heart attack in his sleep, but further tests are needed to be sure of the cause of death, a medical examiner said Monday. Hillsborough County Medical Examiner Vernard Adams said Mays suffered from hypertensive heart disease, and the wall of the left ventricle of Mays' heart and the wall of one of his arteries were enlarged.))

This was a total shock. I started to notice an increase in Google searches involving Billy Mays. The Blue-Shirted guy is gone. Sure he yelled a lot, but he kept your attention.

I only have some of his OxiClean products, the stuff that is sold in the store. Surprisingly, the Oxi stuff works really good. Speaking of OxiClean, the company has a statement up about his death.

((“We are shocked and saddened by the untimely passing of Billy Mays, who served as OxiClean spokesperson for more than a decade and who deserves much of the credit for making OxiClean a household name.

Billy was the best of the pitchman genre that he pioneered. His enthusiasm for life was infectious and he will be sorely missed by the Arm & Hammer family and all who knew him. We extend our deepest sympathies to his family.”

Bruce Fleming, Chief Marketing Officer, Church & Dwight Co., ))

Now, who is going to take up his cause? His son or the Scientology-fighting Vince Offer?

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