Sunday, May 24, 2009

V remake

Check out the trailer for the new V remake.

Link below

With all the remake TV shows losing their luster, you would think ABC would think twice before green-lighting this show that is a remake from the other series.

The people behind this (New BSG type) remake have some interesting things under their belt, so it might just work.

"The 4400" (Scott Peters)

The other guy worked on videogames before this. Jace Hall

Check out the rest of the cast here. (Yeah, Lost's Elizabeth Mitchell is in the cast.)

It would appear Kenneth Johnson, the writer, director, and producer of the first mini-series, has nothing to do with this remake. Word on the street was that Johnson was working on a direct sequel to the first mini-series, and ignoring "V: The Final Battle" and the short-lived 1984 TV series.

It was called V: The Second Generation.

From the Wiki page,

((Set 20 years after the original miniseries, The Second Generation depicts an Earth still under Visitor domination with the Resistance fighting a losing battle. They desperately try to persuade the masses that the Visitors are evil aliens bent on mankind's destruction. However, they are largely ignored, as the many technological and social advancements brought by the Visitors to the planet have convinced the majority that the aliens have their best interests in mind. They are halfway to taking all of the planet's water, under the guise of cleansing it of all polluting substances. Many people were also convinced to join the Visitors' civilian militia, the Teammates (an evolution of the miniseries' Visitor Youth), for the purposes of hunting resistance members.

Just when all seems hopeless, the message that Resistance leader Juliet Parrish sent into space at the end of the original miniseries is finally heard. An alien race called the Zedti, who are long-standing enemies of the Visitors, reinforces the Resistance in their time of need and soon the war is turned in their favour. However, all is not as it seems, as the Resistance is wondering whether they have found salvation...or have replaced one alien dictator for another.))

I remember when the first miniseries ended with the transmission to space asking for help from the Visitors' enemies. The second miniseries never bothered to payoff that set up. I would have liked to have seen the Zedti and if they were bad people.

I think the remake will not go in that direction, but I'll give this remake a wait and see.


Side Note: Remember the evil Diana? She was played by Jane Badler. From looking at her Myspace page, Badler has aged fairly well.

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