Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Myspacer Brags about her misdeeds and gets caught.

Talk about crazy...

Some lady decides to throw paint all over her 'former' roommate's house and then talks about on her Myspace.

Check it out from the link above,

((Portlyn Lauren Miller, who splashed paint all over the inside of her roommate's St. Paul house — and then bragged about it on her MySpace page — will have 30 days in jail to think about her behavior. ))

Maybe she'll splash paint on some else's prison cell.

If you're going to go through the trouble of painting my walls, can you at least take out my trash too?

BTW, she painted everything in the house, including his cat. Come on, do you have to bring the cat into this?

((The same day as the paint episode, Miller posted a message on her MySpace social-networking page that read, "I win ... It's a fact. You (messed) with the wrong (woman)," the criminal complaint said. She also posted a photo of herself posing by Thompson's paint-covered door. ))

More like you lost, lady. Way to snitch on yourself by posting pictures of yourself standing by the crime.

Now, I've said that being former roommates just doesn't cut it for the behavior she should here. There has to be something more, because she took the time to break in and paint the damn house. It feels more like these two were in a relationship that went south.

((Her attorney said the two were "involved," but Thompson denied that. ))

Yeah, I thought so. You don't behave in this manner unless he was 'breaking off a piece'.

The fact that she thought it was a good idea to do it and then brag about it shows that she thought she was justified in her actions. Then she goes about posting the pictures. Not exactly a harden criminal.

You break up with someone and you move on. Plain and simple as that. Why waste time getting back at someone?

BTW, please Ms. Miller don't come and paint my car and dog for writing this post.

I wish I could find pictures of her misdeeds, but I can't find them anywhere.

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