Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jeff Foxworthy’s Beef Jerky?

"Made with real Jeff Foxworthy. Honest..."

Jeff Foxworthy’s Beef Jerky?

Make sure to read this amusing review of Mr. Foxworthy's Beef Jerky.

You can buy some here, you really want to.


I went to the Kroger store to pick some things after my bike ride. I went down the chip aisle and noticed Jeff (you might be a redneck) Foxworthy’s goofy mug looking directly back at me.

I picked up the package and thought, “Really, do we need this?” I didn’t have the guts to try it after my horrible experience with Steven Seagal’s energy drink.

Then again, Larry the Cable Guy has hundreds of merchandise products. Why not Foxworthy? I just think it’s a little strange someone is eating Jeff Foxworthy’s meat. (That sounds bad in so many ways.) I mean beef jerky.

It got me to thinking about other comedians that could come out with food products.

I’d love to see a Dane Cook soda. It fizzles out right as you open it and steals any jokes you say around it.

Reactions to Foxworthy's beef jerky

Some guys have the same reaction I had here.

Some guy that looks just like him talks about his jerky.

Here's a review for the product.

Another video:

Now, what’s worst this product or Hulk Hogan’s energy drink?

Can someone drink Hulk’s energy drink and eat Foxworthy’s beef jerky at the same time? Would the power of the two morph you into a Super-Redneck?


  1. It has to be better than anything Ron White would put out to eat.

  2. I agree with you on Mr. White. Somehow, I see Ron White Porkrins being something he'd do.

  3. And yet if he endorsed an alcoholic beverage, then I might be on board... because you know he has to know about that.

  4. Yeah, he's very familiar with that.

  5. I'm frightened, Auntie Em, I'm frightened!

  6. MC: Sweet, I'm glad I got another one of these! Thanks!

    Megan: Lol, The power Foxworthy is great and frightening.
