Saturday, May 23, 2009

Alec Baldwin is the man

Alec Baldwin jokes about Scientology

Well, said Baldwin. (Check out the Gawker post here)

I did some searching and came across this response from Greg Garcia himself about his connections to the Space Church.

This is what he said,

(("It started with a story in [the London] Mirror," he said, which had pronounced him a Scientologist because several Earl cast members are Scientologists. "It amused me and, since then, it's just become common knowledge. But I am in fact born and raised Catholic." ))

Okay, I'll cut the guy some slack. I believe him.

Garcia seems to have had a little battle with Baldwin of late, that was until Earl got s-canned.

From Gawker,

((Our only piece of advice at this point is directed to Greg Garcia: if Alec Baldwin decides to ring you up this afternoon, be sure to let that call go straight to voicemail. ))

He might call you a fat little Xenu or something.

While the whole thing is amusing, I think all parties involved (with the exception of the Space Church) are fighting the wrong battle. They should be attacking the Network that has constantly moved away from scripted TV and has taken away their 10PM spot for Jay Leno. Pretty soon, we're just going to get all reality shows all the time. That's where the anger needs to be focused on.

I happen to like like Scrubs, 30 Rock, and My Name is Earl.

Church of Tom, don't f' with Jack Ryan.

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