Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

~Top 11 Dumbest Superman Moments from the Nostalgia Critic: I pretty much agree with all his moments. Most of the goofy stuff you see in Superman II comes from the director Richard Lester and Salkind family are to blame. They re-shot many shots and made them comedic moments.

But, the turning around the Earth is really Richard Donner thing. Donner loved it so much he placed it back into his director's cut of Superman II.

There is one moment left out. The plastic Superman Logo that Superman uses against one of the three bad guys.

BTW, The throwing of the 'S' emblem isn't in the Richard Donner cut of Superman II.

~Listen to Jamie Foxx bash Miley Cyrus: I not sure it's even a bashing because the damn DJs talk over Jamie Foxx and make some unfunny jokes. What happened to letting the man speak? Now, there are reports that Billy Ray Cyrus is upset with Jamie. Was he upset when his daughter made that racist photo about Asians? Was he upset when she had those racy photos leaked?

~Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is done? : I guess Skynet has finally won the battle with the help of the FOX network. Fox loves green-lighting dramas and then canceling them and filling their schedules with shitty reality shows. It looks like Joss Whedon's Dollhouse is heading for the big hamper in the sky too. I still don't know why Joss felt the need to work with FOX again after the way they screwed him with Firefly.

Well, two shows with strong female characters are leaving the airways and being replaced with more FOX crap. I literally mean an entire reality show devoted to foxes taking craps.

~I think I am going to throw up. Words can't even express the disgust I feel at looking at these cos-play pictures. Not everyone can dress up in costumes.

~Billy Bob T-shirts: Well, it was only a matter of time before someone cashed in on the Billy Bob Thornton gravy thing. I would get one, but not for nearly 20 bucks a shirt. That's asking a lot. Now, if it came with that Busted Tee Model (female), I'd pay for it.

~What does God need with a Starship?

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