Sunday, April 12, 2009

Random Thoughts

I said it before, I actually recognize someone in one of the Google Street Views.
Random Thoughts

~Google Street View gone horribly wrong: I got a huge kick out of this one. What happens when a Google Street View car goes under a bridge? It is not good for the camera, but it is pretty damn funny.

~Wonderful, some the Somali Pirates have Internet videos. Now, everyone is going viral.

BTW, those loser pirates that got owned by the America crew want 2 million for the captured captain. And, let’s not call this a ransom but a damn bailout.

~Was the new Wolverine movie leaked on purpose?: Given that it is FOX, I wouldn't put it past them. The writer in the article brings up some good points. And keep in mind there was a lot of bad early buzz floating round the Internet about this movie. However, given that many FX companies receive early versions of the film in order to work on it, someone could have easily leaked it.

~Kevin Smith vs. Leila: A lesbian tries to confront Smith about his female character in Chasing Amy. This Leila woman is ready to attack him with guns loaded, but he brings her down to size by belittling himself and his movies, thus making her point moot. Somehow, Kevin Smith has both the Gay and Religious communities after him most of the time. Smith has always been good at this. Poor, Leila...

~The Angry Videogame Nerd takes on Metal Gear: This is the American version with the poor translation. “I feel asleep”. The NES version is very flawed from what I've heard.

~Final Fantasy XI Retrospective: Man, I really loved this game. Take a look. I spent a lot of time with this game and made a lot of friends, but I didn't do much else but play this videogame.

Here's the intro to the game when you start it.

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