Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Random Stuff

Random Stuff

~This week will be extremely busy for me because I have three projects going on at the same time and I have the PowerPoint presentation tomorrow. Once I get over the PowerPoint thing, I’ll be okay. (Update: I’m doing it on Friday, but I still have a paper due on Wednesday.)

~As I drove down Westport Road in my car, I was nearly hit by some young teenagers in a Fast and Furious car. They simply cut in front of me and nearly hit me. What assholes… These guys always come out when a Fast and Furious movie comes out.

~Chris Brown, alleged girlfriend beater, pleaded 'Not Guilty'. You better believe he won't spend one day in jail and there will be a plea bargain. Rihanna says she'll testify against him, but I'm not sold on that. Something tells me back in her mind she thinks she the guilty party.

~Flutter: The New Twitter: Yep, this pretty much sums up my thoughts on Twitter and a freaking tweet.

At work I asked someone if they had a Twitter account. They said, “What the hell is a twitter?”

“It a site that you can send out Tweet.”

“What the hell is a tweet?”

~Man commits suicide during the filming of Watchmen: What happen? Did he not like the movie? It is never a good sign when someone blows their brains out during a screening. That popping noise isn’t popcorn popping.

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