Friday, April 03, 2009

Random Stuff

Hey, I may be a D-bag, but I'm not Uwe Boll.

Random Stuff

~What if Micheal Bay Directed a Cereal Commercial: The Samurai Frog uncovered this little gem. Wow, somehow they've made getting and eating cereal compelling. Well done.

~Life on Mars Finale: Man, they took the title of the series and really made it literally about “Life on Mars”. While I felt the episode seemed a bit rushed, I sort of like the stuff that happened before the actual reveal at the end. That ending is just out there, but I still liked it better than that Sopranos ending. I would have liked it more if it was a straight time traveling episode.

~Joe vs. the Pennsylvania: Joe the Plumber and his 15 minutes of fame: Why is this guy the spokesmen for the GOP? Why did they send him to Pennsylvania without any knowledge into why he’s there in the first place?

~Jay Leno’s new show get booted from Boston?: I still don’t understand NBC’s move here with taking Leno and dumping him at 10 anyway. I’ve never been a fan of Leno, too much of a kiss-ass and not funny, but it I would have liked to have seen Leno show up on a different network.

~Drew Barrymore is the female Ben Affleck? : Ouch, that is harsh. I sort of like her, despite her really soapy extreme left-leaning views, She has a nice little smile and she can be really charming in her roles despite the movies being a little sappy. Ben Affleck is Ben Affleck. I wonder what Barrymore thinks of this comparison?


  1. Well, unlike Drew, Ben Affleck could actually have committed relationships.

  2. That's true, Affleck seems to really be hanging in there after the mess that was Benifer
