Friday, March 13, 2009

More cool terms

Here are a few terms taken from the Urban Dictionary. I got a kick out of these, so I’d like to share them with you.

BlackBuried: Being inundated and exhausted trying to be on top of all your email 24/7 with your handheld mobile device

Comment: I’ve never had this problem, because all I get on my handheld device is random poker gaming spam and mis-messages

sexsuade: To convince someone to agree to, accept, or do something, usually by using the promise of sex (explicit or implicit) or by withholding sex until you get your way.

Girl 1: My bf won't take me out to dinner. Girl 2: You need to sexsuade that man!

Comment: Nice! I wish more women would “Sexsuade”. It would be a fair exchange. I’ll open the door for you if you promise something involving the word ‘sex’ in it. (No not a Sexton). Please, ladies more sexsuading please.

rebooty: A booty call made with an ex.

Comment: Is this an offshoot of Sexsuade? I guess you can call it re-upping on the booty supply.

parade maker: (n). A driver and/or car that goes consistently under the speed limit, causing a backup of 20+ cars, creating frustration and your ability to be where you want to be on time.

Comment: I run into this all the time, especially when I late for class or work. I get stuck behind these mo-fos all the time. Even when you roll up to their bumper, they still don’t move faster. What compels these guys to ignore the long trail of pissed off cars behind them? If the speed limit is 55, don’t go under it. Perhaps these ‘parade makers’ need some sexsuade to make them move faster.

Crash Wednesday: The day after Mardi Gras. Mardi Gras is celebrated as the last day before Ash Wednesday, or the start of Lent for the Christian religion. For people between the ages of 16 and 25, its where you get shithoused in the middle of the week. Crash wednesday is the day dedicated to your hangover.

Comment: I’d it is also the day you discover that you have a couple extra STDs in the process and that you made it onto the special DVD of Girls Gone Wild. (I know a girl that ended up on one of those GGW tapes. Honest story. I’ll have to tell it sometime.)

Stanky Leg: stanky leg, dance that makes you look stupid by the GS boyz dance where you stick out your leg and rotate it around.
Hey, look at Lina doing the stanky leg dance.

Comment: I keep hearing this stupid song on the radio and I had no clue what the hell the Stanky Leg is. I thought it was when you get the ‘runs’ and it runs down…never mind.
For those that want to know how to do the Stanky Leg, here ya go. (Here are some women doing the Stanky Leg. Oh, no…)

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