Sunday, March 01, 2009

Is being Gay illegal on XBOX Live?

Is being Gay illegal on XBOX Live and having "Gay" in your name?

From The Escapist,

((When a lesbian gamer named Teresa was suspended from Xbox Live for identifying herself as such in her gamer profile, the story quickly spread across the Internet. It sparked outrage against a long-standing Microsoft policy that forbade gamers from including words like "gay" or "lesbian" in their Gamertags and profiles - even catching people like Richard Gaywood, who just wanted to be able to use his real name. ))

Richard Gaywood. Just the name is funny. So, someone found the name offensive? I know that Richard is short for “Dick”. And, Gaywood is just funny. But, if it is your real name, they should restate his Gametag.

I remember when I played FF XI Online and there was a character named “Harry Taco” . He was on the same server with me. He kept the name for about six months until someone found the name 'offensive'. He kept the character, but he changed the name.


  1. I wonder if there is a similar crackdown on seemingly innocuous, though potentially racist names as well.

  2. You bring up a good point. I wonder if someone looked into this.

    Something tells me no though. The worst part is the young lady that was harassed because of her sexual preference

    I don't like how slowly MS is handling the incident. Which says a lot
