Sunday, February 01, 2009

Tila 'the one that can’t be mentioned' will sue you if you report on her.

Can I say your name?

Tila 'the one that can’t be mentioned' will sue you if you report on her.

Tila Tequila says you can't use her name and image without permission. Crap, I just mentioned her name. Great, now I'm going to get a letter.

((Tila Tequila’s lawyers claim that her name and image is subject to copyright, and can only be used with permission from Tequila, even in the context of reporting news about her. ))

The photo they used was authorized too! Have we morphed into a strange bizarre alt-world where Z-list celebrities can dictate what can be said and shown about them? Isn't any news, especially for a reality star, good news.

Tila 'the woman that can't be mentioned' got her start with pictures.

(Not Safe for Work links below)

I mean come on there are hundreds photos out there are revealing than was posted on that site. Were these photos approved?

I mean sure she's cute a hell, but what does she have to offer beside a banging body? There seems to be this growing trend of people being famous for being famous. Back in the day, you used to have to have some type of talent.

Do you know why she became famous? Read this link to find out. (Allegedly)

Taken from Holy Taco

((Back in 2005, the editor-in-chief of Stuff magazine wanted to capitalize on the popularity of the Internet. He called down to the online department and said, "Hey, tell me who has a lot of Myspace friends," because he wanted to put someone on the cover of Stuff who had a "lot of Myspace friends." The brilliant marketing plan behind this was based on the thinking that if someone on the cover had a million Myspace friends, then all those "friends" would buy that magazine and sales would skyrocket. What it showed, instead, was a complete lack of understanding of how the Internet works. When someone has a million Myspace friends, it just means that he/she spends the majority of his/her day clicking "add as a friend" or "accept." They aren't pals who sit around and reminisce about the good times they've had. ))

And the response from editor that created this mess.

I'm so going to get in trouble for this...

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