Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Super Bowl Porn case

If you remember correctly, 80, 000 Comcast customers got a little, uh big surprise, when families gathered around the Boob Tube (Pun intended) and witnessed the Super Bowl game switch to a scene from porn!

And, it was a bit shocking to see.

You can actually see the video here, but keep in mind it is NOT SAFE FOR WORK! Here's my problem with the actually 'mistake'. There is no female nudity, it's all male, even though there is a smoking hot chick in the video clip (Tristan Kingsley and check out her post-Super Bowl fame here). If you're going to have another sex Football scandal, at least show a boob or something, and not a flapping penis.

We'll now it's being reported that our limited FBI resources are being 'poked' into the incident. (Check out the news source here)

((The clip, which included full male nudity, was the result of a malicious act, Comcast said last week. ))

So, someone did this on purpose. Doesn't the FBI have other thing more pressing to solve? Like murderers and terrorists? Relax parents groups this won't harm your children, just like that bad Britney Spears song won't.

((The interruption prompted Comcast to offer a $10 discount to any customer who was impacted by the incident. ))

It would have been a D-bag move to charge everyone for that 30 second clip, I guess. Besides seeing a damn penis, was anyone really harmed by the incident? You can explain to the kids that it was merely an ad for “Male enhancement”.

It reminds me of the incident with Max Headroom incident when someone hacked into the feed of an old Dr. Who rerun.

Could this be the same person? Probably not.

I'm only mad it had to be a naked dude.

Anyway, this is probably the best free advertisement for Club Jenna and Tristan Kingsley ever!

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