Thursday, February 05, 2009

Random Things: Got pot?

Phelps: Weed is the source of my super human power.
Random Things

~I’ve busy preparing for a test this week and another test next week, so I haven’t been caught up with all the pop cultural news of late, but here we go.

~Michael Phelps Smoking Pot: Big freaking deal. Listen you try living in water for hours upon hours. When you come up for air, you want a little something else to take in like weed. I’m not a pot smoker and I have never tried smoking it, but we don’t need the major outrage that people are showing on cable news shows. Weed is not a big deal, it only makes you dumber. Now, if Phelps was smoking crack, it would be a different story.

Adam Corolla says that weed makes dumb people dumber and just saps your drive.

Now, law enforcement is looking into it. Are you serious?

~Whoopi Goldberg takes on Hasselbeck(Michael Phelps story): Make sure watch the video with Hasselbeck making a ‘straw man’ argument. And I have to admit I’m siding with Guinan, er Whoopi, on this issue. Young people smoke weed, big deal.

~Etta James doesn’t like Beyonce for singing ‘At Last”: It is a good song, but attacking Beyonce, a woman that can actually sing, is a bit harsh on Etta’s part. Now, if Britney Spears covered your song, I agree with you. Spears has no talent other than letting the computer sync up her vocals.

~Miley Cyrus and that ‘Asian’ story: Hannah Montana is a racist? Probably not, but it was a poor choice to pose for that offensive picture. Yes, it was wrong. I get the feeling Miley Cyrus is trying to take an active role in moving away from her kid-friendly fan base by doing all these controversial incidents. I chalk this one up with that move.

Now, look at the picture closer over here. Pretty much everyone in the picture looks a little high. The Asian guy looks like he shared a bong load with Michael Phelps! His eyes are really red.

~Bill O’Reilly vs. Christian Bale: Brilliant

I love this!

Yvonne Tran found this remix that was created only a few hours after the original tape surfaced.

I can see myself downloading this and pumping it out of my car.


  1. I still can't believe that a few years back, one of the Canadian snowboarders got stripped of an Olympic medal for having pot residue in his urine.

  2. That is crazy. Michael, though, might get arrested, though somewhat unlikely.

    I don't believe the snowboarding guy should have lost his medals because it wasn't like he was taking steroids.

  3. Great post, Semaj. Phelps deserves that medal even more if he had weed in his system, that's not going to help you win any race.

    Yeah, that Asian guy looks like he's been cooking up some of Phelp's stash.

    Those Bale vids were hilarious. I don't know who Bill O'Reilly is but he got told good and proper! Great editing there. The dance remix was also fantastic - even the weird Streisand bits were great.

    I'm hoping that some funny person fits the rant to clips from American Psycho and The Prestige - both films where his character were pretty nuts. Even a Batman scene might be funny.

  4. Thanks.

    Bill O'Reilly is a conservative com mentor that is a total jerk. The clip is from his time in Inside Edition.

    I think there is a Batman scene out there
