Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chris Brown/Rihanna Saga

Happier times?

My Take on the Chris Brown/Rihanna Saga

Taken from Extra TV

((New reports detail the extent of Rihanna's injuries, allegedly inflicted by Brown. People magazine says the 20-year-old singer suffered a black eye and bruises at the hand of Chris, while a police source tells the magazine that the altercation left Rihanna with "a swollen, split lip and two red and purple contusions on either side of her forehead." E! online reported that Rihanna claimed to the LAPD that Chris choked her while threatening to kill her -- and she lost consciousness.))

What kind of man chokes out his lady, someone he claims to love? Given the evidence at hand, I have state that Chris Brown is douche bag and an asshole. It’s been reported that he left after beating the living crap out of her. Basically, he left her in the car battered and bruised.

This is pure rage.

So where so these violent rages come from in Chris Brown’s history? Given many people that have abusive behavior have an abusive past.

(("He made me terrified all the time, terrified like I had to pee on myself. I remember one night he made her nose bleed. I was crying and thinking, 'I'm just gonna go crazy on him one day....' I hate him to this day." ))

The very violence that made him fear the abuser is what has made him the man he is today. He still needs to own up to this incident and pay the price for it, but it is important to understand why he felt it was okay to beat on a woman.

I had no idea he sang a song with Jordin Sparks “No Air”

Check out the No Air video: It is a pretty good song. I've heard the song before, just didn't know it was him.

His career?

I don't think he can bounce back from this. Remember Michael Richards? He'll probably be hanging out with Richards and MC Hammer. Which is a shame, because we need more people with talent, just not people that choke and beat women. Maybe some mental treatment and jail time might give his career a 'Phoenix Down' (Yes, that was a FF reference). I just don't know.

But the purge is already starting with his sponsors leaving him and radio stations dropping his songs. (You better believe his people are in crisis control mode now.)

I'll probably have more on this incident.


Watch the Doublemint Gum ad below in the link.

Wrigley Doublemint Gum: Yeah, the ad in the link to the right was dropped

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