Monday, February 23, 2009

The Blaster Beam: James Horner use of it in Scores

For some reason, I'm getting a lot of hits on a post I did about Craig Huxley 's Blaster Beam, which was promptly used in Jerry Goldsmith's Star Trek The Motion Picture. I'm not sure why I'm getting all the traffic now about it, but here's a follow up

I hope Michael Giacchino finds a way use it in the newest Star Trek movie.

As I mentioned before, James Horner came around to using the Blaster Beam in his score of Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan. He didn't use the instrument as much as Goldsmith did in the first movie, but it is noticeable in a few tracks. (He also used it a little in Part III)

The Genesis Countdown: You can hear it around the 1 minute mark in the track and is used later on for the bloody Khan's final speech.

The Battle in the Mutara Nebula: I love this track and the use of the piccolo. This is probably Horner's best trek track on the CD. Listen carefully for it in this track, it's there. (It's too bad Horner has reused some of these themes over and over again on other scores.) It comes in stronge in the 6-min mark.

In Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

Stealing the Enterprise: The blaster beam makes an appearance here as well. (Danger, Space Doors are closed.) There is also some un-used music around the 3-min mark. You have to wonder if there was a deleted scene here. “Kirk, you do this, you'll never sit in the Captain's chair again. ”

That whole Stealing the Enterprise scene was brilliant and wouldn't have been half as good without Horner's score.

Bonus video: Here is Craig Huxley playing the Blaster Beam.

The Blaster Beam

You can check out more about him here at his myspace.

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