Thursday, January 08, 2009

Y2K9: The day the Zunes froze up...

Y2K9: The day the Zunes froze up...

From the Urban Dictionary,

Y2K9: The simultaneous worldwide crash of every 30GB Zune worldwide during the early hours of the morning on Dec 31, 2008.

I knew nothing about this.

If the Red Ring of Death wasn't enough, MS had all to have its loyal Zune people feel the same way the Xbox folks felt. I just found it funny that all the old 30 GB Zunes crashed at the same time.

From this link,

((Microsoft's 30GB Zune digital music player experienced a "leap year bug" that caused the device to freeze and become unusable, prompting the company to post a fix on the Zune website that suggests users let the battery drain completely before rebooting the device. ))

Maybe this was a punish for buying a damn Zune in the first place.

I personally think this is SkyNet booting up and taking over our planet through the Zune

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