Sunday, January 11, 2009

Whoa, a 140-Year-Old-Lobster

Whoa, a 140-Year-Old-Lobster

Do Lobsters have Medicare?

((A lobster believed to be 140 years old that became a restaurant mascot for a short time will be returned to more familiar waters, according to a Reuters report.))

Talk about an expired date…

Would anyone want to eat a Lobster that’s over 100 years old? It’s a like a living breathing artifact. Hey, have fun eating over 100 years of history. I couldn’t do it.

I’m happy they released the lobster back into the sea. However, at age 140, you would think he’d know how to keep away from fishermen’s nets. Perhaps, they should spray paint on the side of his shell “Do Not Eat or Cook. 140 years old. Out of Date.”

In all honesty, it is surprising he survived this long without getting eaten or dying from a disease. I do know their fresh water cousin follow the same rule in the age and their weight (Crawfish).

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