Thursday, January 01, 2009

Top Seven ‘Famous’ people that annoyed me in 2008

Way to disrespect the flag.

Top Seven ‘Famous’ people that annoyed me in 2008

This year has been notoriously horrific for me. Ranging from average ‘Joes’ to Governors, and a few in between. I’m so glad this year is over and we can screw up this New Year.

7. Paula Abdul: This has-been singer has been especially annoying this year. As she keeps hinting that she’ll leave America Idol. Go ahead and do it already. We’ll quickly see you disappear from the public view after that.

6. Casey Anthony: Yeah, she’s that crazy Milf that killed her child and keeps denying it. What is wrong with this woman? One thing that should be guaranteed in this world is that mothers will take care of their children. She broke that trust and should be punished. Not only does she lie, but also she has a criminal record. She’s in total denial and it will come back to haunt her.

5. Lindsay Lohan: When the big news about Lindsay is that she’s dating a DJ that wears Carmen Santiago hats and getting kicked off Ugly Betty, something is wrong. She has this attitude that she’s a big time actress, yet she hasn’t had a hit in ages.

4. John Edwards: This guy cheated on his wife while she was recovering. How can someone do something that down low? The fact some say the affair is still going on you amazes me how evil this guy is.

3. Eddie Murphy: This guy made a movie so bad that he didn’t even show up for the premiere. He knows he’s making crap, but I guess he has to pay child support. Where the hell did this Batman 3 rumor come from? He’ll never be in Nolan’s Batman franchise.

2. Sarah Palin: Never has a running mate harmed an election like this lady has. Her interviews were a joke, and people were calling for her to step down. Of course, she didn’t listen to them. Plus, she thought she could shoehorn in her own ambitions for the next Presidency while pushing McCain aside. Instead of finding the most qualified person, they simply wanted to win over conservatives and former Clinton supporters. We know it didn’t work.

1. Joe the Plumber: Somehow, this guy has become the spokesman for the average Joe, when it appears he’s below average. This guy has a watchdog site and a book deal. Are you kidding me? He’s the Paris Hilton of politics.

Happy New Year!

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