Saturday, January 17, 2009

Random Stuff

Random Stuff

~Shady Business practices: It looks someone is paying people to write good reviews on Amazon for their own product! The company recommended that they rate down people who gave negative reviews of said product. This is really low real low. The guy that wrote up the blog about this should be commended for catching this fraud.

~The Nostalgia Critic discusses Nicktoons: I wasn’t a really a fan of Nicktoons, but I remember most of these shows. Ren & Stimpy was kind of funny, and some episode still out more than others. (Like when a ghost gets scared by the two and unzipped out of a costume and turns out to be a fat black man that jumps into a Cadillac.) That was when I said, “WTF was that?”

~Funny misplaced censored bleeps

Brilliant, simply brilliant.

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