Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Random Junk


Random Junk

~I drove home in the snow storm last night, and it wasn't fun at all. I didn't really have any slips or slides until I reached the off highway roads. I slid a little on turns at intersections, but for the most part the main roads were sort of drivable. U of L was surprising closed today. They almost never close school for nothing.

If you remember there was a hostage situation last year and they didn't shut down the campus.

~Do you know anything about that Coach that had his girls High School team beat a special need team by 100 to 0? The coach of the winning team refused to apologize for the blow out. If it wasn't a special needs team he beat, I wouldn't have been against his stance and his actions during the game. Well, he was promptly fired for not apologizing. The team that loss the game has been winless for the last four seasons, I think it's time to rethink the whole basketball program. I think it's doing more harm than good.

~Ever cared about what happened the actors from Saved by the Bell? Actually, this list is kind of out date.

Mark Gosselaar: He has a very successful cable drama, Raising the Bar on TNT. It's getting another season. He's actually has a career of late.

Mario Lopez: Mario ended up receiving a hosting gig on that show Extra. I guess acting wasn't his strong suit. Just smile and read the news.

Dustin Diamond: Pretty much is stuck in reality shows, awful ones at that. He does a few stand up gigs, but now he just does reality stunts and sex tapes. Way to step it down a notch, Screech.

Lark Voorhies: She's really a pretty woman and was cute back in the day. Now, she doesn't do anything. Is she related to Jason from Friday the 13th ?

Elizabeth Berkley: Showgirls, that's all that needs to be said.

Tiffani Thiessen: Well, she was in that terrible show Fastlane, thus proving she can't act. She joined a show called What About Brian and then the show was canceled a few months later. I blame it on her.

~GI Joe the movie: They've released a few more posters. I'm still not sold on this movie yet...


  1. I saw Ms. Bliss working at a Subway in Maryland.

  2. There was a peroid where she didn't even work in the 2000 and 90s.

    You would think Subway would hire her for their ads though.
