Sunday, January 25, 2009

Domino's VS Subway: Fight!: They burned the letter!

Domino's VS Subway: Fight!

I like Dominos even more now after this commercial!

The fact that the CEO of Domino’s actually burns (bakes) the Cease-and-Desist letter from Subway is simply priceless. What was Subway even thinking by sending the letter? Were they supposed to scare another big company into pulling their ads?

Where does that toolbag Jarred fit into this battle?

From the link above,

((The letter arrived from Subway earlier this month. Upon receiving it Brandon challenged his marketing team and lead agency Crispin Porter+Bogusky, Miami, to come up with a plan to leverage it. "I said ‘listen this is a bit if a swipe at us, suggesting there is an integrity issue around the test we did and how we did. I don’t like it,'" Brandon told Brandweek. "It made us want to scream even louder about our two-to-one taste claim results. When they asked me to be in the ad, I had to be a team player.”" Domino's plans to continue running the ad for awhile.))

Usually, companies will do anti-ads against other companies’ claims, but I guess Domino’s ad really hit home.

Here is a taste test from a NBC station. I would have liked to have tried both.

Captain D's VS Red Lobster

Something similar has been happening between Red Lobster and Captain D’s.

I guess Red Lobster really got mad when they filmed it outside one of their restaurants.

Plus, something like this goes viral pretty fast and will make Red Lobster look bad. I personally like both restaurants. Here's how you use both restaurants...

Pick Red Lobster for a first date. It will impress her that you spent money for dinner. Throw in a few apprizers and a damn salad.

Pick Captain D's for that 15th date when the shine of the relationship has come off. And you don't want to be bothered paying a lot of cash for the date out.

White Castles when you want to break up with her.

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