Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Day After 2012: The teaser trailer...

Roland Emmerich's 2012

That was an underwhelming teaser.

Uh, didn't Roland Emmerich do the same exact movie back in 2004? Wasn't it called The Day After Tomorrow? I'm not interested in seeing another “End of the World” movie. I couldn't sit through the Day After Tomorrow, something tells me I'd have another problem with this movie as well.

Roland, can't you just do a popcorn action movie like Michael Bay? Must we go global destruction?

Better Question: Why does Emmerich hate Earth so much that he has to destroy it in all his movies?

Now, it looks like Sony is pushing the release date from July to November, and that's a big push. This could mean the movie is pure shit or that they have faith in the film in the holiday period.

By the way, the cast for this upcoming movie is pretty amazing. But, Roland never had a problem getting top-notch actors to play in his movies.

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