Sunday, January 11, 2009

Canadian Safety video collection

Canadian Safety video collection

I have to thank MC for bringing these brutal Safety ads to my attention. I can’t believe how graphic these videos are. I'm one for not having censorship, but I would not want my children seeing these ads during cartoons.

Hell, these ads not only make me want to work safer, but not even show up for work just in case something bad happens to me. Gee-whiz, they're like Final Destination death scenes.

The forklift one is just scary as hell. A dead worker comes back to life with metal poles sticking out of his body. Most of these accidents would have be prevented if they stopped talking to the camera, telling us how they'll die in the first place. Perhaps they should do safety PSAs on making Safety PSAs .

Btw, how can these people tell the future anyway? Do they have the power see the future like Desmond from LOST?

Someone did an upgrade and made this ad even funnier by adding Dark Force Lightening.

While I think these are funny but brutal, we in the US has some wimpy PSAs. We have a talking bear that tells us to prevent forest fires and a stupid dog named Mcgruff the Crime Dog.

We have this to compare it to...a rapping bear

What the hell was that?


  1. I think the retail worker one is the freakiest one.

  2. yeah, that is pretty brutal too, eps when she's holding her wounded arm

  3. The next series of ads used the same kind of talking bit, but they stopped short of the accident by having a safety measure save them from their slothful behavior (like a guy working with an automated table saw who didn't button the cuffs of his shirt and looked destined to mangle his hand but the killswitch happened to be repaired that morning, so he was spared.

  4. Now, I have go looking for those videos!

    Did the first batch recieve any complaints about horror nature of them?

  5. Yes... there were a lot of critics up here... and yet they went viral as you can see and well, the world gets to enjoy them now.

  6. lol, I just we in the states had something this enjoyable.
