Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Top five things that anger me this week…

Top five things that anger me this week…

Look, we all have things that piss us off to no end. It’s just some of us, like me, have more to complain about.

5. That guy that plays techno music too loud in his ‘ride’: It’s one thing to play hip-hop and rock thumping in your ride, but techno will just get you strange looks. People will question your manhood. I like techno as much as the next guy, but come on.

4. Loud radio advertising: Advertising people, please stop having announcers shout out your products on the radio. If I have to turn down the volume once more to save my speakers, I’m coming over to your houses and to shout in your ears about my products. Enough is enough.

3. Speaking of radios, radio companies telling us every five minutes their calling letters and the which station we’re listening to: If I found your station, it’s probably correct to assume that I know which channel I’m listening to as well.

2. The Shadow Farter: The Shadow Farter is the guy (or girl) who cuts one and pretends he didn’t do. Be proud of your creation. It’s not everyday everyone can admire your ass-gas. Raise your hand and shout, “It was me. That’s all me, smell it MF’ers.

1. Car Door Handles: Okay, I love my nearly ten-year old Toyota. However, I went outside to thaw my frozen call. I unlocked the door and I pulled the door handle and it snapped off in my hand. Damn it…

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