Monday, December 29, 2008

Things that make you go Hmmm...

You know google amazes me sometimes.

Now, there was a murder in Louisville today…

You can read about it here.

What struck me was that I was curious where the murder happened. So, I did a google map search and I recognized the location. And I'm usually riding my bike through this area on Broadway. (No, I wasn't there when the crime happened, I was in the Highlands.)

In a morbid way, people can find out exactly where a crime has happen using google.

Note: check out the street view option on google and you can see a person in a wheelchair sitting at a traffic light! (Click on the forward view at the intersection and turn to your right to the person.)

You have to wonder if this person knows that he’ll forever be in archives of google maps. We can look up someone’s Myspace or Youtube account after a news story has broke and other things. (I’m sure Casey Anthony had a myspace at one point.)

Hell, I'm sure I'm in one of the google maps somewhere.

It’s a shame I have to make this observation with a murder news story.

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