Sunday, December 28, 2008

Random Things

Random Things

~Superman at Earth's End: I have never heard of this comic book story. What was DC thinking? Since when did Superman turn into a flying Santa? Why are there two Hitler clones in this story? A mutated Batman? I can't believe someone green-lit this mess.

~Angry Video Game Nerd has found even more Bible videogames: I'm not sure why Moses is solving puzzles in a dungeon. I also had no idea Konami made a Noah's Ark game. In that game, Noah can morph into a fish...a fish.

~Do we need more crap-filled reality shows from MTV, you know the channel that used to play music videos? What happened to the music MTV? I want my old MTV back.

~Here's an interesting story about film critic Earl Dittman. I can't believe some of the movies he enjoys. He liked Boat Trip and The Core. Both movies were universally panned.


  1. Actually, I think you might get a kick out of an entry I am working on this week re: the last item on your list.

    BTW, I liked The Core myself. Not a great movie, but entertaining nonetheless.

  2. I'm looking forward to it. No one can get a hold of the magazine he writes for.
