Saturday, December 20, 2008

Lil Jon and Lazy Town Mash Up

Snap your fingers, do the step, you can do it all by yourself.

Lil Jon and Lazy Town Mash Up

As I was checking through The Samurai frog blog and came across this little mash-up. I just love how wrong and strange mash up. The reaction from the characters to the mash up is funny too.

Lazy Town is a children's program that promotes dancing and working out. Hey, with all the kids playing Xbox 360, they need to get out more. The show is filmed in Iceland with an America lead actress. No, I didn't watch this show, I had to Wiki it up.

Here's how the song was originally conceived, before Lil Jon hyped it up.

I think Lil John hypes up any song if you mashed up him with it.


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