Sunday, December 14, 2008

How can she slap? How can I sue?

How can she slap? How can I sue?

I read through the ED page on that “how can she slap?” story and it appears it isn't over.

Ravi, the dude that slapped the woman and got bum-rushed, is planning on suing the show. Talk about being wimpy.

From the site…

((Reality shows may have their fixed scripts and sensational turn of events, but Ravi is in no mood to take things lying down.))

I’m sure this has more to do with being embarrassed than anything else. It doesn’t matter who was right or wrong, but you’re playing into their hands by making this lawsuit. It’s just more free press for another awful reality show.

Enjoy this clip from the show where the contestants have to dip their faces in mud to answers question. Kind of Fear Factor-ish. It's really hard to watch this clip. And, what's up with gay guy with make-up? What's even crazier is we, in the States, have shows just as bad.


  1. Seems like a UK and then USA show called Distraction.

  2. Holy Crap this is just like it. This stuff is terrible. I can't believe they greenlit this show, then again we have shows about people eating bugs

  3. The British version of distraction is really not American TV friendly... old nudists, having a game where for contestants to answer, they had to sit in a stall and urinate in a toilet to buzz in for questions and so many other demeaning things... but the thing with Distraction is... it is played for laughs... everyone is in on the joke and how ridiculous it truly is.

  4. The old nudist thing would have had me turning the channel quickly.

    I'm just shocked that this is considered mainstream entertainment. also, for every reality show, the bad one, a drama or comedy doesnt get picked up.

  5. Wimpy? He was hospitalized by the staff that rushed him. The slap that she gave him was unscripted, meaning, she wasn't supposed to do it.

    Saying it's okay to hit a man and not okay to hit a woman is just as sexist as saying women should be paid less. It's called EQUALITY, key meaning being EQUAL. What is true for one is true for the other. It's just as wrong to hit a man as it is to hit a woman. You shouldn't hit anyone, regardless of gender. So if someone, man or woman, hits you, you shouldn't hit them back at all, but if you do, well they had it coming. I'm not saying he was in the right to hit her back, but he wasn't in the wrong either.

    "It doesn’t matter who was right or wrong"

    You could not be more wrong. If I was that guy I would sue the fucking funding right from under that show. Not a fucking hope you're putting my in the fucking hospital and there be no repercussions

  6. Cool, I did this post in 2008. And I am still getting comments on it. It seems so long and I have given this old meme a second thought in many years, but okay.

    First: The slap didn't put him in the ER.

    And, second: To even show up for one of these shitty shows lowers my opinion of him. Why take this abuse? For fame? How about finding another way to get famous instead of going for a shitty reality show?

    (( You shouldn't hit anyone, regardless of gender.))

    Agreed, but why even go on a show where that could be an option? At what cost?

  7. "And, second: To even show up for one of these shitty shows lowers my opinion of him. "

    James, now you are just avoiding the real topic...
    The fact is, this guys wanted to win +- 1000$ in this game show.

    "second" he had some cracked ribs and bruises. Like you wouldn't care...


  8. I do care, but I wouldn't show up on a reality show, such as this in the first place. (Now, I'd show up on something interesting like Comic Book Men)

    Keep in my, my opinion of Hulk Hogan was lowered when he did that shitty reality show.

    Looking back on it, I'd say he had a right to sue and win. But, staying away from this sort of mess is probably better for him in the long run.

    I am still getting hits on post from 2008 in 2014, sweet.

  9. Semaj
    "First: The slap didn't put him in the ER"
    no but the beating he took after did

    "Agreed, but why even go on a show where that could be an option? At what cost?"

    the thing is it wasn't an option she was not supposed to hit him. she lost her temper and he reacted


  10. Yeah, he took a major beating. I know it is a reaction to strike back, but you have to think about what your actions will cause via reactions. in this case, a bunch a guys came in and beat him down.

    ((the thing is it wasn't an option she was not supposed to hit him. she lost her temper and he reacted))

    and this is the reason I hate these type of reality shows and most reality shows in general.

  11. Man you keep blathering about how you don't respect him for being on this reality show but is your lame blog about the reality show any better?

  12. Okay, this blog is like a hundred years old. there have been 100 memes 1k after this. Are you how could slap guy?

    And, yes my blog is a piece of shit
